The Synthesizers

The synthesizers are the integrators of the Counsel of Clans. Synthesizers define and design process automation and controls to form an operating process by combining parts or elements. Typically, the synthesizers are engaged early in a project life-cycle, to assure that their expertise is heard. From PLC automated processes to implementation of SCADA systems, from implementing Process Automation Technologies to instrumentation upgrades, the synthesizers offer their project expertise when needed, as an equal partner on projects brought before the Counsel by the Kage. Membership in the Synthesizer Clan is granted based on strong work ethic, intelligence, experience and commitment to their craft.


The Ingeniares

The ingeniares are the wizards of the Counsel of Clans. Translated as the “devisors”, the ingeniares are often engineers, but may also be draftsman, designers or architects. These engineers maintain their own licensure as required by state law, and are never direct employees, put equal partners on projects brought before the Counsel by the Kage. Membership in the Ingeniares Clan is granted based on strong work ethic, intelligence, experience and commitment to their craft.

The Kage

Kage (影?, literally "Shadow") are the leaders of the Ninja Project Management offices. The Kage stand equally with the client project sponsors, oversee the activities of their offices, and are the leaders of the PM ninja society. A Kage may retire and give the title to someone else; however, once granted, the title is held permanently, creating a situation where an office has two Kage at the same time, with only one of them actually active. Their elite status is also attributed to the tendency for most Kage to have been personally mentored by a former Kage or student of a former Kage, or some combination of these factors.

The Kage are responsible for all Business Operations of their respective offices, all oversight of current field missions (projects), the satisfaction of client project sponsors and the performance of their ninja.


The Scribes

A scribe is a term for someone once employed to make written copies of documents. Before printing was invented, the busy scribes in a village would write copies of all the legal documents. Today, members of the Scribe Clan support Ninja Project Management as technical writers. They are responsible for the development of documentation to support the project lifecycle, most often the protocols required for Facilities, Utilities, Systems and Equipment (FUSE™) Verification.

The Scouts

The scouts are sent out ahead of a main force so as to gather information about another’s position, strength, or movements. On the Counsel, members of the Scout Clan serve in capital procurement and equipment expediting roles. They are out in front of the project, identifying the lead time, costs, and alternate sources for capital purchases, and the keep track of the equipment procured throughout the fabrication and factory acceptance testing timelines. Membership in the Scout Clan is granted based on strong work ethic, intelligence, experience and commitment to their craft. They are equal partners on projects brought before the Counsel by the Kage, and serve as needed, either independently or part of an integrated project.